Wednesday, June 18, 2008

21 and invincible...

So I'm turning twenty-one soon. I don't really understand the point of this birthday. Maybe the point is to make it to twenty-five so my insurance payments will go down.
I'm going to take a poll: What is the point of turning twenty-one?
1. "So you can go on a mission."
2. "Being able to drink... but if you're Mormon, I don't know."
3. "Being able to gamble."
4. "Being completely legal."
My point exactly. This is the most pointless birthday I've ever had in my entire life of birthdays. Maybe I'll get some money. Amen.


Melissa Ortolani Purser said...

There is not too much excitement surrounding this birthday, its true. When I turned 21, my mom took me to a casino to "teach me a lesson" and I ended up winning 40 bucks. Lesson learned. :)

PS. That cake looks delicious.
PPS. Perhaps you WILL get some money. Too bad you're not coming to Rexburg though. :(

Kyle said...

The great thing about turning 21 is knowing that you are one year further away from middle school.

Josh Titus said...

Be happy I haven't killed you yet. Love ya! Happy Birthday!